Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Thoughts...

Glad to say that this semester is coming to an end! But...sad to say that this semester is coming to an end! School is moving too fast, and it's kind of scaring me! But it was a good run, and it's ok because time has to always move on. Still...this is going fast! This month was good for somewhat repairing things. By next semester everything should be patched up and good! My grades are kind of unstab;e as of now...But I know I'm going to fix them and everything will be good by the end of the semester! I'm happy freshman seminar is over. This was very pointless...and this whole portfolio was so much pointless work! I HATED IT!!!!!

October Thoughts...

Now THIS was a crazy month...so many things happened and so much drama unfolded! I just wasn't ready, and it really took me off guard. A lot of people I was cool with, kinda disappeared and I wasn't as cool with them anymore. And a lot of my girl friends were getting into some trouble as well...it was kinda bad. It was good however, because I joined the organization Misses At Meridian Outreach Society, where I found a lot of love! It was also homecoming, and I did work as a volunteer for the fashion show. This allowed me to meet a lot of new people, and I had a lot of fun. Also my boyfriend visited from home, and I loved that a lot because I missed him so bad! So a lt of crazy things happened, but a lot of good happened as well, and I'm thankful! :)

September Thoughts...

This was my first whole month at Howard University. I've gotta say that this was a good month!! I had solidified a lot of my friends, and we partied every weekend, and had a lot of fun! At this point I was doing really well in all of my classes. I had gotten a bad grade on a calculus test which really threw me off! But I still had a lot of time to improve and try to make my grades up, so I was optimistic! I went to all my classes everyday, and I was on a good track. I didn't really like freshman seminar at this point. It was boring and pointless. But I came regardless...

All About ME!!!

My name is Megan Faith Tate. I was born in Chicago Illinois, as my parents first child. My parents later had two more daughters; Taylor and Sydney, my younger sisters. When Sydney was born, we moved to Minnesota, and I have lived there ever since.
Being that I am from Minnesota, I know that I have had a quality education that not everybody can attest to. Coming to Howard it has only reassured the fact that the education system in the northern states is exceptional, and that it has adequately prepared me for college. However, it is not only the location that I received my education in that makes it unique, it is the path that I took in obtaining my education. When I was I second grade my mom decided that I was not being challenged enough in my classes, and that I should try to come to a higher level of learning. So the second half of second grade, I moved up to third grade, and finished the year there. From then on, I have always been younger in every grade that I've gone to.
Transitioning to new stages such as middle school and high school were kind of challenging because of my age at first. The school work was always easy, and I was able to excel at that in school. It was more the social aspect that held me back. But I soon adapted well and I was very prosperous socially and academically throughout my school years.
For college I actually never wanted to attend Howard University. It was my very last choice. I really wanted to go to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. It's a very renowned school, whose name carries a lot of weight. However because they do not give merit based scholarships, so my parents couldn't afford that school. My next choice was the university of Minnesota, because it was more affordable and in my home town. But when I really looked into the scholarships I had received there, there certain catches to what my scholarship really included. And it turned out I couldn't go there either! So ultimately I had to come to Howard, where I had a full ride I was ignoring...
Now that I'm here I love Howard so much. I realize that this was the right choice for me to make. Although it's very far from home, I quickly adapted, and age was not a factor at all! I fit in quickly and easily and I'm learning a lot and enjoying myself here.
Over all I'm really proud of the progress I've made over the years to get here. I went through a lot in my schooling, and it was a weird transition because of my skipped grade. But really, it was worth it, and I'm really proud of myself for what I accomplished!