Monday, November 30, 2009

1st Coloquium

Well the topic for this program was "What's Research?". It was held in Cramton Auditorium. I sawe the famous Professor Greg Carr. He spoke well and was able to hold the attention of all those over hormonal youth and keep us all interested in what he was saying. I was able to learn a lot about the campus and it's history that I never knew. For example that this majority black university was founded by a "white" man; while there is nothing wrong with that but i must say I was suprised and that on this same university, on the steps of the same building (Douglass Hall) that I walk on 3 days out of the week MLK n Malcolm X met. He also went into a deep convo on how research is so important and the 5 w's of it. Got me interested in taking his class and possible studying abroad.

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